Meditation & Messages Healing Circle with Maryna Allan in L.A.

When: Thursday, September 1st, 6:00-8:00 PM Where: Outdoors at a Private Residence in Woodland Hills, CA (Los Angeles). Now offering participation via Zoom– 6:00pm PST
Important info: TEXT 854-2211 for address / last minute rsvp. Bring: notebook, water, crystals/stones/jewelry and photos of loved ones for healing & blessing (all optional). Light finger-food appetizers provided 6:00-6:45pm. Bring something to share if you like. Ceremony held outside. There will be fans and ceiling fans on the outdoor deck. However, if you are more comfortable with indoor air conditioning you may sit in the den with open doors connecting to the outside. Will still will be able to hear. I will wear a microphone and have the speaker indoors.
Zoom meeting ID is 818-854-2222. No password. Please text to RSVP so I can prepare the space knowing that you will be there. We are creating a sacred container.
What: Our Circle will begin with Eden Energy Medicine exercises to ground us, release energy blockages, balance energies and build our auras.
Through the Qigong science of chanting the Chinese mantra of ‘Eight Phrases’ we will create a powerful ‘Qi-Field’ (quantum energy field) for healing. We will also offer sacred ceremony through prayer & vibrational sound healing.
Together we will invite our spiritual guides, angels, ancestors & higher interdimensional galactic teachers to assist us in focusing our hearts and minds on raising our vibration. I will lead a grounding meditation that will align and connect you more deeply with your inner guidance and knowing.
We will receive messages from ‘the ancient ones’ as well as our personal guides and teachers, if they present themselves. The primary message I am receiving is that we must release any and all ‘Fear’ that holds us back from being who we came here to be.
It is also vitally important that we increase our vibrational frequency, bring our body into healthy alignment, clear our mind of programs & open our hearts. We will be given specific tools and energetic processes to assist us in this work.
If you feel called to be part of this healing circle then please do attend. For those with physical or geographic limitations, Zoom will be available. Please reserve your space via email and payment through methods below.
You will be receiving an email confirmation this Wednesday with the address for the Circle as well as details on what to bring if you like (ie- photos of loved ones, sacred objects/crystals/stones which will also be blessed, and a container with pure water for self-healing).
A Ho Mitakuye Oyasin… to all my relations.
We are the tribe of many colors…
… We are the ones We have been waiting for 🙏🏽 🌈 🌿 💜 Mahalo,
Fee for Circle: $22 ~ Payment options:
Venmo: @Maryna-Allan
Zelle: 818-854-2211
See Links and QR codes below….
A limited number of In-Person Private Sessions with Maryna are available Fri-Sun, Sept 2-4. You can also book via zoom
