Nevada Events
New Dates TBA for Ceremonies and Qigong classes All by donation
Special Fundraiser for Pakistan
Ceremony & Teachings:
Includes drumming, rattles, chants, prayer, meditation, live music, song, sound-healing & sharing of messages from our Spirit helpers. These teachings will assist us in letting go and healing the past, raising our vibration, and awakening to the true reality of our divine nature. As we transform ourselves and open our hearts, we help to restore the vital balance of all life. Nature and our planet need us more than ever. Join this circle of light-beings who wish to support one another and work collectively to heal our Earth Mama and be fully Awakened.
One Day Events ~ all by donation
Ceremony & Teachings: Date TBA
Date TBA ~ 10:00-12:00 pm RSVP: Meditative Drum Circle led by Pamela Mayfield from Idyllwild, Ca. and Hawaiian Ceremony led by Maryna Allan and Pipe & Water Blessing Ceremony led by Richard. More description below. RSVP: to reserve place (donations gratefully accepted ~ offerings to be donated to the Pakistan Children’s Fund)
Qigong Talk: Raise your Vibration & Find your Sunshine Mind with Maryna Allan
Date TBA~ 1:30–3:00 ~ Read Description below. RSVP: to reserve your place (donations gratefully accepted ~ offerings going to the Pakistan Children’s Fund)
Meditation & Channeled Messages from our Galactic family & higher dimensional teachers with Dr Tuck Hayes, with ‘Medicine Sound Healing’ Music with Kim Best
Date TBA ~ 3:30–5:00pm ~ RSVP: to reserve your place (donations gratefully accepted ~ offerings going to the Pakistan Children’s Fund)
Thursday, Sept. 22 EQUINOX Ceremonies
4:30 – 7:00 pm ~ Mills Park in Carson City. East entrance off Saliman Rd and Seely Loop. Park in lot by playground. Walk to Volleyball sand pits. Drum Circle and Hawaiian Ceremony and Music offerings led by Maryna Allan of Washoe Valley, Nevada. RSVP: (donations gratefully accepted ~ offerings going to the Pakistan Children’s Fund)
4:30-7:00 pm ~ Special Evening Celebration ~ Foods, Live music, drumming, dancing, feasting, ceremony & teachings with facilitators & special guests, messages from Spirit helpers and more. Bring chairs, drums, rattles, guitars or other instruments. Dress up! Most of all show up! Calling All Warriors of Love to Rise Up! RSVP: (No fee but donations gratefully accepted)
1 to 3 Day Qigong Workshop ~ Dates TBA ~ 10:00-12:00 pm daily (come 1-3 days) ~ Zoom option available
Raise Your Vibration & Find Your Sunshine Mind
Maryna will teach specific Qigong principles, methods, meditations and gentle movement practices appropriate for the times we are living in. It is necessary that we improve our immunity and reduce the stress response. Moreover, we are being called to connect to Higher Universal frequencies in order to raise our vibration and step into our chosen role as stewards of the planet.
Focus will be on ‘inner-cise’ rather than ‘exer-cise’. We will learn how to direct our mind and heart as one in a coordinated effort to create inner peace and develop our ‘wisdom abilities’ to not only improve health but also bring us to a place of Oneness with All That Is.
Read more about Qigong
Read about Maryna’s vision
1-3 Day Qigong Workshop: Mon, Tues, Wed: 10:00am to 12:00pm. No Fee but any offerings will be donated to the Pakistan Children’s Fund. RSVP: to reserve your place. Donation links and QR codes below. Scroll to bottom
FACILITATORS for Events: Maryna Allan, Kim Best, Jim Eaglesmith, Dr. Tuck Hayes, Pamela Mayfield & special guests
Please RSVP to reserve your place for all events. You will get information on what to bring such as a chair, items for blessing, and snacks/drinks to share with others if you’d like. We Need a headcount for the food truck. Also have info about parking and overnight camping (available at our site). Donations for ceremonies gratefully accepted via payment options below or cash on the day.
PARK Fees: Washoe Lake State Park charges $5 per vehicle ($10 out of state). Senior State Park Year Pass for NV residents AND non-residents only $30
Please RSVP: to reserve a place for Ceremonies, Qigong Talk, and Meditation, Messages & Sound Healing with Kim Best and Dr. Tuck Hayes. We would like an approximate number for the Food Truck.
Donna Eden & Ma
Private Energy Healing Sessions:
Practitioners will be available for One-hour Sessions for $125 by appointment. Contact details will given after making payment to schedule your session:
Maryna Allan: Eden Energy Medicine: Chakra balancing, Aura clearing & Neurovascular treatment for calming the fight/flight response and nervous system, along with Channeled Guidance & Spirit Messages/ Teachings.
Kim Best: Sound Medicine Music, Reiki, Energy Healing with magnets, copper, massage, channeled guided meditation
Syena Sowden: Access Consciousness Bars, Reiki, Intuitive messages
Deborah Montgomery: Intuitive Healing Massage for Health, Wholeness and Oneness
ZELLE: 818-854-2211 (confirm with email if asked:
PayPal to White Feather Wellness Pay via “DONATE PayPal Button” on the right of this page (if on a laptop or desktop computer).
If paying by check or cash please text or call 818-854-2211 or email for instructions.
Overnight accommodations for out-of-town guests: Camping (car, tent, RV) at Equestrian Group Site at Washoe Lake State Park OR rent private or shared room at Maryna’s home nearby $20-40 per night) OR AirBnB. We are also partnering with a local Carson City hotel for discounted rates on rooms.
White Feather Wellness is a health and wellness company founded by Maryna Allan in 2012. It provides forums for individuals and groups to grow, heal, and connect with nature on a profound level. Director and Facilitator Maryna hosts groups for events, classes, workshops and retreats that focus on expansion of consciousness, opening of the heart, and exploration of the human experience through education, ceremony, quiet reflective time in nature and sharing of information. We are a collective here to help raise the vibration of the planet. She offers a wide range of spiritual development and health promoting practices including Chinese Qigong (Chi-kung), Taijiquan (Tai Chi), Eden Energy Medicine, EFT, Ho’oponopono, La’au Kahea (Hawaiian Spiritual Healing), Dance, Maha9 Movement and Meditation.
What is ‘Healing Our Sacred Waters’ about?
Please join us to lift up our hearts and prayers to help our Earth Mother. She is in dire need, and like our ancestors, we can gather to pray for healing through words, song, music, dance & celebration. Her sacred waters are no longer pure. Her earth flesh has been used and abused. Her oceans, lakes, rivers, streams and creeks carry Her blood supply but they are polluted and drying up. Can this be changed? Maybe. Hopefully it’s not too late, but we must not ignore Her any longer.
In the same regard, the waters in our body are connected to our Earth Mother. If she is polluted, we are polluted. If she is suffering we are suffering. The human body is made of 75-80% water and it flows in your blood, lymph, organs, flesh, bones, and all bodily systems. Imagine putting dirty oil back into your automobile rather than fresh, clean oil. Your car would eventually cease to function. Over the years, the delicate balance in our bodies and Mother Earth has been disrupted…creating illness and dis-ease. So we must begin with the healing of all our sacred waters.
Indigenous peoples have known this since the beginning of time. They offered ceremony, not just at equinoxes and solstices but daily and indeed with every breath. Prayer was a part of life. They lived their prayers and took nothing for granted. They knew this was vitally important for maintaining the sacred balance of all life.
In more recent times scientists have come forward to remind us of the power of thought and prayer. Dr Emoto, author of ‘Messages from Water and the Universe’ has proven that water has consciousness. Moreover, he demonstrated how water is affected by our thoughts. Numerous experiments have scientifically proven that water can change it’s structure and chemistry. Polluted water from a Japanese lake was transformed to pure clear water after many people prayed for this.
Since our bodies are primarily comprised of water, what do you think happens when our thoughts are polluted? Or when we consistently focus on the negative, or excessively worry, or harbor anger, hatred or fear? We not only hurt ourselves but we harm our most precious Earth Mother. It is time to realize our potential as co-creators with Source/Great Spirit, stop doing the things that cause damage, and start reparations.
The time is NOW to wake up! Wake up! Wake Up! Our children, grandchildren and great-grandchildren— indeed, all future generations are depending on us. Our beautiful Earth Mother is depending on us. Become the teachers that you came here to be. Become the healers that you came here to be. Become the stewards that you came here to be.
Aho Mitakuye Oyasin… We are All related 🌈🙏🏽 🐎 🕸 🌎
We are the ‘All One Tribe’
Idyllwild, Ca Issa at Washoe Pk Washoe Lake Washoe Lake sunset