Qigong Retreat

Posted on August 21, 2013

Qigong Retreat in Idyllwild

to Reconnect, Release, and Revitalize
Re-treat…into nature
Re-connect…with the earth 
Re-lease excess weight and dis-ease
Re-vitalize your cells, being and life!

Tuesday, Sept. 3rd to Saturday, Sept. 7th with Chinese Master Jianshe Liu

Can attend 1-5 days

Whether one wishes to lose weight, become more fit, improve their energy levels and immune systems, heal from an illness or dis-ease or improve their happiness quotient, learning Qigong principals will surely improve one’s life.


“When your life improves and you are full of energy, everything becomes beautiful in your eyes…everyone is kind to you.  It’s true that you yourself change and the whole world then seems different.”

~ Master Jianshe, Hexianju Qigong Center

For more information see Retreats page: http://whitefeatherretreat.org/facility/
